Michael Tait sets out his views on key criteria for running successful board meetings:

Board meetings are a crucial aspect of corporate governance. They play an important role in ensuring that a company is able to make informed decisions and achieve its goals. Running successful board meetings requires careful planning. It takes effective communication and a clear understanding of the role of the board. Here are some tips to help you run successful board meetings:

1. Establish a clear agenda:
A clear agenda is essential for a successful board meeting. The agenda should include the main topics to be discussed. Furthermore, the order in which they will be discussed, and the desired outcomes for each topic. The agenda should also be communicated to all board members in advance of the meeting so they have time to prepare and review any relevant materials.

2. Encourage participation from all board members:
Board meetings should be designed to encourage participation from all board members. This means allowing time for discussion and debate. The chairman should encourage all members to voice their opinions, and making sure that everyone is heard. Also, it is also important to make sure that board members feel comfortable asking questions and raising concerns.

3. Prepare materials in advance:
Board members should receive all relevant materials in advance of the meeting. This is to ensure they have time to review and prepare for the discussions. This can include financial reports, updates on the company’s performance, and any relevant regulatory or legal information. Providing materials in advance can help to ensure that the meeting runs smoothly and that everyone is able to make informed decisions.

4. Foster open and honest communication:
Open and honest communication is key to a successful board meeting. Board members should be encouraged to speak candidly and share their opinions. This even if they differ from the opinions of others. This can help to foster a culture of transparency and accountability. It can lead to more informed decisions.

5. Be efficient and stay on track:
Board meetings can be time-consuming, so it is important to be efficient and stay on track. This means starting and ending the meeting on time. It involves keeping discussions focused on the agenda and avoiding unnecessary side conversations or distractions. It is also important to make sure that the meeting stays focused on the most important topics. This to avoid getting bogged down in minor details.

6. Follow up on decisions and actions:
After a board meeting, it is important to follow up on any decisions that were made and any actions that were assigned. This means making sure that everyone is aware of their responsibilities. It also to ensure deadlines are set and that progress is tracked. Following up on decisions and actions helps to ensure that the board is able to make meaningful progress and achieve its goals.

In conclusion, running successful board meetings requires careful planning, effective communication, and a clear understanding of the role of the board. By establishing a clear agenda, encouraging participation from all board members, preparing materials in advance, fostering open and honest communication, being efficient and staying on track, and following up on decisions and actions, you can ensure that your board meetings are productive and effective, and that your company is able to make informed decisions and achieve its goals.

How to run successful board meetings and agendas